
Maandag 16 mei 2016

Person of Interest (s03e18): Allegiance (SF, 20:30-21:35, Net 5)

Person of Interest (s03e19): Most Likely To.... (SF, 21:35-22:30, Net 5)

Person of Interest (s03e20): Death Benefit (SF, 22:30-23:25, Net 5)

11.22.63 (s01e07): Happy Birthday, Lee Harvey Oswald (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

Salem (s01e02):  The Stone Child (Fantasy, 23:00-00:00, Fox)

Dreamchild (Fantasy, 15:20-16:55, AMC)

Retroactive (SF, 20:30-22:00, AMC)

Fear the Walking Dead (s02e06): Sicut Cervus (Horror, 22:00-22:45, AMC)

Talking Dead - Fear Edition (Achtergrond, 22:45-23:30, AMC)
Fear the Walking Dead (s02e06): Sicut Cervus (Horror, 23:30-00:15, AMC)

King Kong (SF, 23:20-02:10, ZDF)

Cat People (Horror, 02:10-04:00, ZDF)