
Vrijdag 3 juli 2015

Mirror Mirror (Fantasy, 20:30-22:35, RTL 5)

The Woman in Black (Horror, 22:35-00:25, RTL 5)

Rage of the Yeti (Horror, 00:40-02:15, RTL 7)

Flatliners (Horror, 00:55-02:45, BBC 1)


Cordon (s01e01) (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e07): Betrayal (Fantasy, 03:45-04:25, Fox)

Donderdag 2 juli 2015

Conan the Destroyer (Fantasy, 20:30-22:35, RTL 7)

The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (Fantasy, 22:35-00:40, RTL 7)

The Family Man (Fantasy, 20:30-23:05, RTL 8)

Wayward Pines (s01e07): Betrayal (Fantasy, 22:00-22:50, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e07): Betrayal (Fantasy, 03:35-04:15, Fox)

Woensdag 1 juli 2015

American Horror Story (s03e03): The Replacements (Horror, 01:40-02:25, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e06): Choices (Fantasy, 03:45-04:25, Fox) 

Dinsdag 30 juni 2015

King Solomon's Mines (Fantasy, 20:30-00:10, RTL 7)

The Wicker Man (Horror, 20:30-22:35, RTL 8)

Turistas (Horror, 23:15-00:35, ZDF)

Maandag 29 juni 2015

Battleship (SF, 20:30-23:05, Veronica)

Real Steel (SF, 23:05-01:30, Veronica)

American Horror Story (s03e03): The Replacements (Horror, 22:00-22:50, Fox)

Cordon (s01e10) (SF, 22:50-23:50, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e06): Choices (Fantasy, 03:35-04:15, Fox)

Zondag 28 juni 2015

Brug naar Terabithia (Fantasy, 15:35-17:00, NPO 3)

Bedazzled (Fantasy, 20:30-22:15, SBS 9)

Supernatural (Horror, 23:10-01:00, SBS 9)

Snow White and the Huntsman (Fantasy, 20:30-23:00, Net 5)

Red Riding Hood (Fantasy, 23:00-01:00, Net 5)

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (s01e07) (Fantasy, 22:00-23:00, BBC 1)

Cordon (s01e10) (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e06): Choices (Fantasy, 23:00-23:50, Fox)

American Horror Story (s03e02): Boy Parts (Horror, 23:50-00:50, Fox) 

Wayward Pines (s01e06): Choices (Fantasy, 03:45-04:25, Fox)

Zaterdag 27 juni 2015

The Day After Tomorrow (SF, 20:00-22:30, RTL 7)

The Wolfman (Horror, 22:35-00:35, SBS 9)

The Hot Chick (Fantasy, 01:00-02:40, BBC 1)

American Horror Story (s03e02): Boy Parts (Horror, 22:00-22:50, Fox)


Vrijdag 26 juni 2015

Fallen (Horror, 00:55-02:55, BBC 1)

Donderdag 25 juni 2015

Wayward Pines (s01e06): Choices (Fantasy, 22:00-22:50, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e06): Choices (Fantasy, 02:50-03:20, Fox)

Woensdag 24 juni 2015

The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Voyage of The Dawn Treader (Fantasy, 20:30-22:40, RTL 7)

Cordon (s01e10) (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

American Horror Story (s03e02): Boy Parts (Horror, 00:40-01:30, Fox)

Dinsdag 23 juni 2015

The Curse of King Tut's Tomb (Fantasy, 20:30-00:05, RTL 7)

Rollerball (SF, 00:05-01:55, RTL7)

Maandag 22 juni 2015

Exploding Sun (SF, 20:30-00:10, RTL 7)

Simply Irresistible (Fantasy, 20:30-22:20,  SBS 6)

The Dark Knight Rises (SF/CB, 20:30-23:45, Veronica)

American Horror Story (s03e02): Boy Parts (Horror, 22:00-22:50, Fox)

Cordon (s01e09) (SF, 22:50-23:50, Fox)

Zondag 21 juni 2015

Supernatural (Horror, 23:25-01:10, SBS 9)

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey (Fantasy, 20:30-23:55, Net 5)

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell (s01e06):  The Black Tower  (Fantasy, 22:00-23:00, BBC 1)

The Sorcerer's Apprentice (Fantasy, 19:20-21:00, BBC 2)

Cordon (s01e08) (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

American Horror Story (s03e01): Bitchcraft (Horror, 23:00-23:50, Fox) 

Zaterdag 20 juni 2015

Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files ("docu", 00:00-00:50, RTL 5)

Ring Of Fire (SF, 20:00-00:00, RTL 7)

Splice (SF, 23:05-01:10, SBS 9)

American Horror Story (s03e01): Bitchcraft (Horror, 23:20-00:10, Fox)


Vrijdag 19 juni 2015

Cat. 8 (SF, 20:30-00:10, RTL 7)

Valhalla Rising (Fantasy, 00:10-01:50, RTL 7)

E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial (SF, 20:30-22:45, SBS 9)

It's a Wonderful Afterlife (Fantasy, 00:55-02:30, BBC 1)

Donderdag 18 juni 2015

Category 7: The End of the World (SF, 20:30-00:05, RTL 7)

Waterworld (SF, 00:05, 02:25, RTL 7)

Wayward Pines (s01e01): Where Paradise Is Home (Fantasy, 22:00-22:45, Fox)

Wayward Pynes (s01e02): Do Not Discuss Your Life Before (Fantasy, 22:45, 23:30, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e03): Our Town, Our Law  (Fantasy, 23:30-00:15, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e04): One of Our Senior Realtors Has Chosen to Retire (Fantasy, 00:15-01:00, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth  (Fantasy, 01:00-01:45, Fox)

Woensdag 17 juni 2015

Category 6: Day of Destruction (SF, 20:30-00:10, RTL 7)

Cordon (s01e09) (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

American Horror Story (s03e01): Bitchcraft (Horror, 00:40-01:30, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth (Fantasy, 02:55-03:35, Fox)  

Dinsdag 16 juni 2015

10.5: Apocalypse (SF, 20:30-00:05, RTL 7)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth (Fantasy, 02:50-03:30, Fox) 

Maandag 15 juni 2015

10.5 (SF, 20:30-00:00, RTL 7)

American Horror Story (s03e01): Bitchcraft (Horror, 22:00-22:50, Fox)

Cordon (s01e08) (SF, 22:50-23:50, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth (Fantasy, 02:55-03:35, Fox) 

Zondag 14 juni 2015

Supernatural (Horror, 23:25-01:10, SBS 9)

Real Humans (s01e10) (SF, 00:30-01:30, Canvas)

Cordon (s01e08) (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth (Fantasy, 23:00-23:50, Fox)

Zaterdag 13 juni 2015

The Unborn (Horror, 23:00-00:40, SBS 9)


Vrijdag 12 juni 2015

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Fantasy, 20:30-22:50, SBS 6)

The Ruins (Horror, 00:50-02:15, BBC 1)

Donderdag 11 juni 2015

The Adjustment Bureau (Fantasy, 20:30-22:35, Net 5)

King Kong (SF, 20:30-00:10, Veronica)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth (Fantasy, 22:00-22:50, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth (Fantasy, 02:50-03:30, Fox)

Woensdag 10 juni 2015

Cordon (s01e08) (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e04): One of Our Senior Realtors Has Chosen to Retire (Fantasy, 02:55-03:35, Fox)

Dinsdag 9 juni 2015

The Lost World: Jurassic Park (SF, 20:30-23:05, Veronica)

Jurassic Park III (SF, 23:05-00:46, Veronica)

Reign Of Fire (Fantsy, 00:20-01:55, BBC 1)

Maandag 8 juni 2015

Jurassic Park (SF, 20:30-23:00, Veronica)

Wayward Pines (s01e04): One of Our Senior Realtors Has Chosen to Retire (Fantasy, 02:55-03:35, Fox)

Zondag 7 juni 2015

Transformers: Dark of the Moon (SF, 20:00-23:05, RTL 5)

Death Race 2 (SF, 23:00-01:00, RTL 7)

Supernatural (Horror, 23:05-00:55, SBS 9)
Real Humans (s01e09) (SF, 00:15-01:15, Canvas)

Cordon (s01e07)  (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e04): One of Our Senior Realtors Has Chosen to Retire (Fantasy, 23:00-23:50, Fox)

Zaterdag 6 juni 2015

Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen (SF, 20:00-23:00, RTL 5)

Van Helsing (Fantasy, 22:05-00:40, RTL 7)

Push (SF, 20:30-22:40, SBS 9)

Tell-Tale (Horror, 22:40-00:25 SBS 9)

Forever (s01e13): Diamonds Are Forever (Fantasy, 20:55-21:50, Net 5)