
Woensdag 12 januari 2022

The Birthday Wish (2017, Fantasy, 20:25-22:20, RTL 8)

Charmed  (s05e16):  Baby's First Demon (1998, Fantasy,  16:55-17:50, SBS 9)

Ghost Whisperer (s05e02): See No Evil (2005, Fantasy, 17:50-18:35, SBS 9)

Ghost Whisperer (s05e03): Till Death Do Us Start  (2005, Fantasy, 18:35-19:35 SBS 9)

Charmed  (s05e17):  Lucky Charmed (1998, Fantasy,  19:35-20:30, SBS 9)

Dracula (s01e01): The Rules of the Beast (2020, Horror, 21:00-23:00, BBC First)

Dracula (s01e01): The Rules of the Beast (2020, Horror, 02:15-03:45, BBC First)

The Passage (s01e01): Pilot (2019, Horror, 02:20-03:05, Fox)

The Passage (s01e02): You Owe Me a Unicorn  (2019, Horror, 03:05-03:50, Fox)

The Passage (s01e03): That Never Should Have Happened To You (2019, Horror, 03:50-04:35, Fox)