
Zaterdag 13 mei 2023

Star Wars: Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1983, SF, 20:00-22:44, Veronica)

Iron Man 3 (2013, SF, 22:44-01:08, Veronica)

Ghosts (s03e05): Something to Share?  (2019, Fantasy, 06:00-06:30, BBC First)

The Deep (s04e2): The Biggest (2015, Fantasy, 08:45-09:05, BBC Two)

Ghosts (s03e06): Part of the Family (2019, Fantasy, 05:30-06:00, BBC First)

Star Trek: Enterprise (s01e12): Silent Enemy (2001, SF, 05:00-05:41, Paramount Network)

Star Trek: Enterprise (s01e13): Dear Doctor (2001, SF, 05:41-06:36, Paramount Network)

Die Vampirschwestern (2012, Fantasy, 08:10-09:50, Filmbox)

Labyrinthus (2014, SF, 13:35-15:15, Filmbox)

Missing Link (2019, Fantasy, 15:15-16:55, Filmbox)