
Donderdag 17 oktober 2019

Minority Report (2002, SF, 20:30-23:30, RTL 7) 

Retrograde (2004, SF, 23:30-01:30, RTL 7)

MacGyver (s01e16): Hook  (2016, SF, 23:20-00:10, Veronica)

Ghost Whisperer (s02e12): Dead to Rights   (2005, Fantasy, 18:45-19:30, SBS 9)

Ghost Whisperer (s02e13):  Deja Boo  (2005, Fantasy, 19:30-20:30, SBS 9)

DragonHeart (1996, Fantasy, 22:10-00:10, SBS 9)

The Vampire Diaries (s08e14): It's Been a Hell of a Ride  (2009, Horror, 00:10-01:05, SBS 9)

SuperMansion (s02e10): Subtopian Invasion / Titanium Lex (2015, SF, 21:00-21:30, Comedy Central)