
Vrijdag 19 juni 2015

Cat. 8 (SF, 20:30-00:10, RTL 7)

Valhalla Rising (Fantasy, 00:10-01:50, RTL 7)

E.T.: the Extra-Terrestrial (SF, 20:30-22:45, SBS 9)

It's a Wonderful Afterlife (Fantasy, 00:55-02:30, BBC 1)

Donderdag 18 juni 2015

Category 7: The End of the World (SF, 20:30-00:05, RTL 7)

Waterworld (SF, 00:05, 02:25, RTL 7)

Wayward Pines (s01e01): Where Paradise Is Home (Fantasy, 22:00-22:45, Fox)

Wayward Pynes (s01e02): Do Not Discuss Your Life Before (Fantasy, 22:45, 23:30, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e03): Our Town, Our Law  (Fantasy, 23:30-00:15, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e04): One of Our Senior Realtors Has Chosen to Retire (Fantasy, 00:15-01:00, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth  (Fantasy, 01:00-01:45, Fox)

Woensdag 17 juni 2015

Category 6: Day of Destruction (SF, 20:30-00:10, RTL 7)

Cordon (s01e09) (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

American Horror Story (s03e01): Bitchcraft (Horror, 00:40-01:30, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth (Fantasy, 02:55-03:35, Fox)  

Dinsdag 16 juni 2015

10.5: Apocalypse (SF, 20:30-00:05, RTL 7)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth (Fantasy, 02:50-03:30, Fox) 

Maandag 15 juni 2015

10.5 (SF, 20:30-00:00, RTL 7)

American Horror Story (s03e01): Bitchcraft (Horror, 22:00-22:50, Fox)

Cordon (s01e08) (SF, 22:50-23:50, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth (Fantasy, 02:55-03:35, Fox) 

Zondag 14 juni 2015

Supernatural (Horror, 23:25-01:10, SBS 9)

Real Humans (s01e10) (SF, 00:30-01:30, Canvas)

Cordon (s01e08) (SF, 22:00-23:00, Fox)

Wayward Pines (s01e05): The Truth (Fantasy, 23:00-23:50, Fox)

Zaterdag 13 juni 2015

The Unborn (Horror, 23:00-00:40, SBS 9)