
Zondag 24 juli 2022

Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen (2009, SF, 20:00-23:02, Veronica)

Ender's Game (2013, SF, 23:02-01:14, Veronica)

Gotham (s05e08):  Legend of the Dark Knight: Nothing's Shocking  (2014, SF, 01:14-01:57, Veronica)

Ghosts (s02e06): Perfect Day  (2019, 11:15-12:00, BBC First)

Ghosts (s02e07): The Ghost of Christmas (2019, Fantasy, 18:50-19:25, BBC One)

Ghosts (s03e01): The Bone Plot (2019, Fantasy, 19:25-20:00, BBC One)

Star Trek: Enterprise (s04e18):  In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 1 (2001, SF, 15:31-16:27, Paramount Network)

Star Trek: Enterprise (s04e19):  In a Mirror, Darkly, Part 2 (2001, SF, 16:27-17:22, Paramount Network)

Star Trek: Enterprise (s04e20): Demons  (2001, SF,  17:22-18:09, Paramount Network)

Star Trek: Enterprise (s04e21): Terra Prime (2001, SF, 18:09-19:04, Paramount Network)

Star Trek: Enterprise (s04e22): These Are the Voyages... (2001, SF, 19:04-19:59, Paramount Network)

The Orville (s03e07): From Unknown Graves  (2017, SF, 19:59-21:29, Paramount Network)

Star Trek: Discovery (s03e13): That Hope is You, Part 2  (2017, SF, 21:29-22:47, Paramount Network)

Star Trek: Discovery (s01e01): The Vulcan Hello  (2017, SF, 22:47-23:33, Paramount Network)

The Avengers (s07e12): Have Guns - Will Haggle (1961, SF, 19:03-20:01 ONS)

Die Vampirschwestern (2012, Fantasy, 08:05-09:45, Filmbox)

Jungle Boy (1998, Fantasy, 09:45-11:20, Filmbox)

Die Vampirschwestern 3 - Reise nach Transsilvanien (2016, Fantasy, 13:40-15:20, Filmbox)

Monsters at Large (2018, Fantasy, 15:20-16:55, Filmbox)

The Water Horse (2007, Fantasy, 16:55-18:50, Filmbox)

The Fisher King (1991, Fantasy, 00:40-03:00, Filmbox)