
Donderdag 13 juli 2023

Evil (s01e08):  2 Fathers  (2019, Horror, 00:08-01:01, SBS 9)

Ghosts (s04e04): Gone Gone (2019, Fantasy, 05:30-06:00, BBC First)

Medium (s06e15): How to Beat a Bad Guy (2005, Fantasy, 12:30-13:30, Paramount Network)

Medium (s06e16): Allison Rolen Got Married (2005, Fantasy,  13:30-14:30, Paramount Network)

Medium (s05e05): A Taste of Her Own Medicine (2005, Fantasy, 01:55-02:35, Paramount Network)

Medium (s05e13): How to Make a Killing in Business, Part 1 (2005, Fantasy, 02:15-02:50, Paramount Network)

The Avengers (s07e24): Fog (1961, SF, 07:03-08:00, ONS)

Catweazle (s01e05): The Eye of Time  (1970, Fantasy, 08:00-08:29, ONS)

Bite Me (2019, Fantasy, 08:25-09:55, Filmbox)