American Horror Story (s02e10): The Name Game (Horror, 00:51-01:41, RTL 8)
Person of Interest (s02e15): Booked Solid (SF, 23:05-00:05, Net 5)
Person of Interest (s02e01): The Contingency (SF, 20:30-21:25, SBS 9)
Person of Interest (s02e02): Bad Code (SF, 21:25-22:25, SBS 9)
Outcast (s01e05): The Road Before Us (Horror, 22:00-23:00, Fox)
Salem (s01e09): Children, Be Afraid (Horror, 23:00-00:00, Fox)
The Walking Dead (s03e10): Home (Horror, 01:00-01:55, Fox)
The Walking Dead (s03e10): Home (Horror, 04:05-04:45, Fox)