The BFG (2016, Fantasy, 20:30-22:45, SBS 9)
Ghosts (s03e03): The Woodworm Men (2019, Fantasy, 02:15-02:40, BBC First)
The Walking Dead (s11e16): God (2010, Horror, 20:00-20:55, Fox)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s02e18): The Crossing (2001, SF, 06:00-06:55, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s02e19): Judgment (2001, SF, 06:55-08:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s02e20): Horizon (2001, SF, 08:00-09:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s02e21): The Breach (2001, SF, 09:00-10:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s02e22): Cogenitor (2001, SF, 10:00-11:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s02e23): Regeneration (2001, SF, 11:00-12:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s02e24): First Flight (2001, SF, 12:00-13:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s02e25): Bounty (2001, SF, 13:00-14:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s02e26): The Expanse (2001, SF, 14:00-15:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s03e01): The Xindi (2001, SF, 15:00-16:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s03e02): Anomaly (2001, SF, 16:00-17:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s03e03): Extinction (2001, SF, 17:00-18:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s03e04): Rajiin (2001, SF, 18:00-18:55, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Enterprise (s03e05): Impulse (2001, SF, 18:55-20:00, Paramount Network)
Star Trek: Generations (1994, SF, 20:00-22:30, Paramount Network)
The Orville (s03e07): From Unknown Graves (2017, SF, 22:30-00:00, Paramount Network)
The Avengers (s07e22): Stay Tuned (1961, SF, 19:01-20:04, ONS)
Hexe Lilli: Die Reise nach Mandolan (2011, Fantasy, 14:20-15:55, Filmbox)
Die Vampirschwestern (2012, Fantasy, 15:55-17:35, Filmbox)
Cargo (2017, Horror, 01:35-03:10, Filmbox)
The Howling: Reborn (2011, Horror, 03:10-04:50, Filmbox)