
Vrijdag 17 februari 2023

Evil (s01e03):  3 Stars  (2019, Horror, 01:30-02:17, Net 5)

La Brea (s02e03): The Great Escape  (2021, SF, 20:30-21:25, SBS 9)

La Brea (s02e04): The Fog (2021, SF, 21:25-22:22, SBS 9)

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Part 2 (2011, Fantasy, 20:30-22:55, Paramount Network)

Batman & Robin (1997, SF, 22:55-01:30, Paramount Network)

Doctor Who (1963, SF, 07:31-08:00, ONS)

Love Type D (2019, Fantasy, 13:10-14:50, Filmbox)

Witches in the Woods (2019, Horror, 00:25-02:00, Filmbox)