Resident Alien (s01e07): The Green Glow (2021, SF, 00:00-01:00, Star Channel)
Resident Alien (s01e08): End of the World As We Know It (2021, SF, 01:00-01:55 Star Channel)
Medium (s01e13): Being Mrs. O'Leary's Cow (2005, Fantasy, 07:15-08:10, Paramount Network)
Medium (s01e14): In the Rough (2005, Fantasy, 08:10-09:00, Paramount Network)
Medium (s01e16): When Push Comes to Shove (2005, Fantasy, 17:30-18:30, Paramount Network)
Medium (s02e02): When Push Comes to Shove, Part 2 (2005, Fantasy, 18:30-19:30, Paramount Network)
Cosmic Sin (2021, SF, 10:40-12:10, Filmbox)
Dummie de Mummie (2014, Fantasy, 13:30-14:55, Filmbox)