
Zondag 29 maart 2015

 Real Humans (s01e03) (SF, 23:25-00:25, NPO3)

Game of Thrones (s01e05): The Wolf and the Lion (Fantasy, 00:00-01:05, RTL 5)

Se7en (Horror, 22:45-01:20, Net 5)

The Listner (s03e11): Captain Nightfall (Fantasy, 22:15-00:05, SBS 9)

Supernatural (s07e03): The Girl Next Door (Horror, 00:05-00:45, SBS 9)

Arrow (s03e07): Draw Back Your Bow (SF/Comic Book, 21:25-22:20, Veronica)

Arrow (s03e08): The Brave and the Bold (SF/Comic Book, 22:20-23:10, Veronica)

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