
Zondag 18 oktober 2015

Terra Nova (s01e07): Nightfall (SF, 23:30-00:30, RTL 5)

Moonraker (SF, 20:00-22:40, RTL 7)

Premonition (Fantasy, 22:15-00:15, Net 5)

The Last Ship (s02e11): Valkyrie (SF, 22:25-23:10, Veronica)

The Last Ship (s02e12): Cry Havoc (SF, 23:10-00:05, Veronica)

The Last Ship (s02e13): A More Perfect Union (SF, 00:05, 01:00, Veronica)

The Flash (s01e03): Things You Can't Outrun (SF/CB, 20:00-21:00,Fox)

Shaun of the Dead (Horror, 22:55-00:50, Fox)

The Walking Dead (s06e01): First Time Again (Horror, 01:45-02:50, Fox)

Shaun of the Dead (Horror, 03:30-05:05, Fox)

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