
Vrijdag 7 april 2017

Vamps (2012, Fantasy, 00:37-02:01, RTL 8)

Person of Interest (s03e01): Liberty  (2011, SF, 20:30-21:30, Net 5)

Person of Interest (s03e02): Nothing to Hide (2011, SF, 21:30-22:25, Net 5)

Supernatural (s09e06): Heaven Can't Wait (2005, 00:20-01:10, SBS 9)

The Stepford Wives (2004, SF, 00:50-02:15, BBC One)

The Walking Dead (s07e16): Do It Now (2010, Horror, 02:25-03:25, Fox)

The Talking Dead (s07e16) (2011, Talkshow/Horror, 03:25-04:05, Fox)

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