
Vrijdag 9 april 2021

ZombieLars (s03e01): Marking the Strangers (2017, Fantasy, 16:00-16:15, NPO 3)

Charmed (s04e11):  Trial by Magic    (1998, Fantasy, 14:20-15:15, Net 5)

Charmed  (s04e12):  Lost and Bound (1998, Fantasy, 15:15-16:15, Net 5)

Charmed (s04e14):  The Three Faces of Phoebe (1998, Fantasy, 18:35-19:30 Net 5)

Charmed (s04e15): Marry-Go-Round (1998, Fantasy, 19:30-20:30, Net 5)

Supernatural (s14e05):  Nightmare Logic  (2005, Horror, 00:15-01:10, SBS 9)

War of the Worlds (2005, SF, 00:35-02:25, BBC One)

Battlestar Galactica (s04e01): He That Believeth in Me  (2014, SF, 00:20-01:05 BBC Two)

Battlestar Galactica (s04e02): Six of One  (2014, SF, 01:05-01:50, BBC Two)

The Walking Dead (s10e22): Here's Negan (2010, Horror, 01:05-02:00, Fox)

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